features mindfulness app feature Create Request in 3 steps: 1 - Compose request, 2 - Confirm information, 3 - Tap Send feature Answer Request 3 steps: 1 - Tap Find Request, 2 - Meditate / Pray, 3 - Tap Fulfill

• Requests can be absolutely anonymous or personalized

• Requests are short and provide only general information

• All meditation and prayer practices and traditions are welcome as long as they have love and compassion to all beings at their core

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Live Data

Each gray cube you see is a Request created by a real person.
Cubes light up after Request has been prayed for.

You can rotate and zoom the view


total requests answered


total requests created

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“Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it's beauty.”

Albert Einstein

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The app is absolutely FREE.